From January 16 to February 22, 2025, Sceners Gallery in Paris hosts the internationally acclaimed Galerie Philia for a collaborative exhibition that bridges modern and contemporary sculptural design. The show, titled Anthropieces, features works by Niclas Wolff and Pierre de Valck, presented by Philia, alongside pieces by Rick Owens and Pierre Jeanneret, curated by Sceners. This unique dialogue invites visitors to explore the intricate balance between artistic expression and the natural elements that shape these creations.

IMG_256 all images courtesy of Sceners Gallery / Galerie Philia ©Jan Liégeois



rethinking materiality in the age of the anthropocene


The collaborative exhibition between the Paris-based Sceners Gallery and the internationally acclaimed Galerie Philia raises critical questions about the relationship of humanity between nature and materials. Niclas Wolff’s volcanic-inspired works evoke the raw, tumultuous power of the earth, transforming geological elements into art that captures the essence of telluric forces. His pieces at the Anthropieces exhibition convey the force of volcanic, stormy earth, translating the sights, smells, and heat of geological tumult into concentrated artistic forms. In contrast, sculptural pieces by Pierre de Valck frame archaeological fragments in aluminum and bronze, emphasizing the symbiosis between human craftsmanship and natural creation. These works bear witness to the delicate interplay between the hand of Man and the creative forces of Nature.


Rick Owens’ designs channel the ’empire of the living,’ incorporating charred wood and natural horns to examine the tension between nature’s offerings and artistic intervention. The burned wood and other organic materials in Owens’ work reflect a magnified use of natural elements, posing questions about artistic possession versus collaboration with nature. Meanwhile, Pierre Jeanneret’s iconic designs reflect a functionalist approach, serving the immediate needs of his era while maintaining a dialogue with the natural world. Jeanneret’s functional creativity contrasts with de Valck’s introspective gestures, offering two complementary perspectives.

IMG_257 Sceners Gallery in Paris hosts the internationally acclaimed Galerie Philia



works by Rick Owens, Niclas Wolff and more on boundaries


Through this collaboration, Sceners and Philia provoke a deeper reflection on the porous boundaries where artistic expression and nature converge. How far should artists transform natural materials to express themselves, and at what cost to the elements they manipulate? In Anthropieces, this is the central question: the extent to which self-expression should mar or preserve the natural components that inspire it.


The exhibition invites visitors to consider how stone, wood, clay, and other materials bear both the marks of nature and the transformations of artistic intervention. This thought-provoking showcase invites design enthusiasts and art lovers to the Sceners Gallery in Paris to experience the profound connections between sculptural design and the natural world.

IMG_258 the collaborative exhibition bridges modern and contemporary sculptural design

IMG_259 works by Niclas Wolff and Pierre de Valck are exhibited alongside pieces by Rick Owens and Pierre Jeanneret

IMG_260 Niclas Wolff’s volcanic-inspired works evoke the raw, tumultuous power of the earth

IMG_261 exploring the balance between artistic expression and the natural elements that shape these creations


Sceners and Philia provoke a reflection on the porous boundaries where art and nature converge

IMG_263 the collaborative exhibition raises critical questions about the relationship of humanity between nature and materials

IMG_264 the exhibition invites visitors to consider how stone, wood, clay, and other materials bear the marks of nature

IMG_265 this thought-provoking showcase invites design enthusiasts and art lovers to the Sceners Gallery in Paris


experiencing the connections between sculptural design and the natural world




Jeanneret’s functional creativity contrasts with de Valck’s introspective gestures

sculptural pieces by Pierre de Valck frame archaeological fragments in aluminum and bronze

Tomb Stag Chair by Rick Owens


Rack by Pierre Jeanneret


maintaining a dialogue with the natural world


Niclas Wolff’s pieces convey the force of volcanic, stormy earth


Pierre Jeanneret’s iconic designs reflect a functionalist approach


Rick Owens and Pierre Jeanneret pieces are curated by Sceners

transforming geological elements into art that captures the essence of telluric forces


Niclas Wolff and Pierre de Valck works are presented by Philia


questioning how far should artists transform natural materials to express themselves


Visitor High-court Sofa Set, Model Pj-si-42-b by Pierre Jeanneret


rethinking materiality in the age of the Anthropocene

project info:


name: Anthropieces 

designers: Pierre JeanneretRick Owens | @rickowensonlineNiclas Wolf | @niclaswolf_Pierre de Valck | @pierredevalck

gallery: Sceners Gallery | @scenersgallery in collaboration with Galerie Philia | @galerie.philia

location: 88 Bd menilmontant, Paris, France 75020

dates: January 16 to February 22, 2025


photographer: Jan Liégeois | @jan_liegeois

thomai tsimpou | designboom

jan 16, 2025